We've done it. After a drunken argument about the correct route around Europe and which gay Spanish beach to plonk ourselves on for a week of homo-erotic sunbaking, Thom and I have finally booked our tickets to Europe.
As it stands the itinerary involves a week in London with a possible jaunt to Edinburgh, four or five days in Munich for Oktoberfest with Pennells and Tom, a week in Barcelona, Bilbao or some costa del hot-spanish-boys.
From there we train it up to Bordeaux for Kurve's 50th birthday bash in her brother's house. (Who the fuck has a house in Bordeaux, just quietly?). Then a couple of days in Paris and back to London for the flight home.
We are going to do all of this on the smell of a tick's fart because frankly, we are broke.
I have put the tickets (two people, London-return, $2880 all up, inc taxes) on my credit card which is now, understandably, maxed out.
Thank fuck for Rudd money. Actually with Thom's two lots and my one lot... it pays for the tickets as well as stimulating the economy.
Sure, it's the Singaporean economy not the Australian economy but it is a GLOBAL financial crisis. Right? Riiight?
I don't care, I fucking need this. One month in Europe. Awesome.
Now I just have one minor hurdle to jump... the fact that I neglected to ask work for the time off before I booked the tickets.....
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Amazing! One day I will stop being lazy and book!
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