My priorities in life have really started to crystalise over the past couple of years.
There are things I thought I wanted to do, which don't really hold that much excitement for me any more and there are things that used to regularly which just don't feature in my life.
Gin, for instance, is becoming more and more important. Night clubs never feature.
I occasionally get a little man-clucky. I don't try to wear the kinds of clothes people are wearing in video clips.
I was way too impatient to get an education. I just wanted to work. I thought I was going to be fabulous and I wanted to get on with it, rather than wait.
These days I have no desire to be fabulous. I value my anonymity above most things.
But I do have a desire to get the education I never got myself.
If you're reading this you probably know I have been studying Russian with a private tutor once a week for nearly 2 years. Well now my plan is to make that more of a formal thing.
Today I took a step beyond just thinking about it. I spoke to the senior lecturer and head of Russian Studies at Macquarie University. I'm going to do their certificate course, with a view to transferring to a degree after the first year.
And the great news is, I can start at the intermediate level, I don't have to start as a beginner.
They also offer $2000 grants for a month-long unit studying in Russia! It couldn't get more exciting if they could offer me a month as Marat Safin's personal gym towel holder.
My hope is that once I have the language down pat, my loves of politics and history and my background in journalism will combine into a really awesome career opportunity or two.
5 weeks ago
Oh Sweetie, I'm so glad for you. Isn't it great when it all crystalises?
Man-clucky? I thought i was the only gay i knew who wanted kids. I'm seriously contemplating getting a dog in the future tho as a substitute.
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