Sunday, August 27, 2006

An open letter God

Dear God,
You are a cunt.
You let me into the Garden of Eden, finally pointed out the most amazing/perfect/incredible/delicious/irresistable apple... let me taste it... and then chopped-down the fucking tree.
I loved that tree.
You're a cunt.


Bolton said...

yeah i didn't think anyone would have the balls to leave a comment on this.
sorry darlings, momentary glitch. will resume normal transmission as soon as possible x

Litzi said...

Hi boltongray,
I don’t have “balls” as you so delicately phrased it, but thought I’d make a comment nevertheless. You sound a wee bit perturbed/angry/hurt here. Is it something in particular that’s got your knickers in a bunch or just life in general?

Anonymous said...

Bolt, nothing a good ol' bonk won't fix

Bolton said...

litzi: yeah, i have had a little bad luck in one of those key areas of life. you know the sort of thing: career; love; finances; home; chia pet collection. well one of them is falling down at the moment. but it's cool. i'm calm now.

hank: yeah, not really into bonking these days. i can't think of anything worse than a random hook-up. they always want either too much conversation or not enough. and always the wrong one. nope. no there have been randoms for me and there aren't likely to be either.

Litzi said...

Hi boltongray,
I’m glad to hear you’re calmer now. Things have a way of straightening themselves out sooner or later….or you start to accept matters that can’t be changed. I don’t think random hook-ups solve anything in the long run, and may cause more problems than “a gold ol’ bonk” (thank you, Hank!) are worth.