Sunday, March 16, 2008

Hoots mon... me scoots, mon!

I had to take further action too. If the guilt over the amount of carbon I am responsible for each year was not enough to do it, the fact it cost me $60 to fuel up last week was. Bugger that. I'm buying a scooter.
The Carbon Neutral website tells me I will emit only about a tonne of carbon a year on it, if I do 20,000km... which I won't. Either way, I'll pay for the nine trees they will plant in my name just to clear my conscience completely.
I wrote a story last week on scooters and learned it costs about $4 or $5 a week in fuel to operate. Another account said about $150 a year. Whatev. Sounds good to me.
I figure a lot of my driving is work and back and just little trips darting around here and there. Thom will be shitting himself at this as I have been his personal taxi for the last 18 months, but I simply cannot afford $60 in petrol a week. I'm not getting rid of the car, for obvious reasons, but it doesn't need to use more than about $10 in fuel a week. The rest of the time I can scoot.
Am I nuts?


Anonymous said...

That looks so cool! Brilliant idea, can you take me for a ride??

shiny said...

I always wonder what scooter riders do if it rained. Is it poncho-time like in Asia? What if it got really cold in the mornings? But that's just me being a big sook.

my name is kate said...

No hurrah - scooters are awesome. I have always fancied myself on one and the only thing stopping me is that I'm a shit driver and would end up under the back wheels of a bus by about Day Two.

Anonymous said...

Can you get a red one please? That would be soooooo cool.

Dave said...

I love scooters - one of my old housemates had one and i used it whenever possible. Cheap as chips and you never have to worry about giving anyone a lift home :)