Sunday, November 19, 2006

Admit it, you google yourself.
Unlike blogging, which is a very public and open instant ego gratification, a quick google search of one's own name is a secret delight. It has much the same effect though.
Well this afternoon instead of googling myself, I googled my alter-ego, "Bolton Gray". In doing so, I discovered something remarkable: My blog has a value.
Or it could have.
There is a website called which says my blog is worth somewhere between $550 and $1000 ("B$" to be specific. If anyone can explain what that is I'd be everso grateful).
Apparently my blog is listed because I've linked to Tottyworld - a nicely pervy website innocently providing links to tasteful photos of handsome gentlemen. Anyway, Tottyworld has a very high value and because I've linked to it, my little blog has a value too, based on numbers of visitors, etc.
I can't imagine this blog has any value to anyone except my ego (which now, clearly, I'm refering to as an entity in its own right).


Andrew said...

BlogShares? Argh! The other OzAndrew is someone on Blogspot! Time to destroy! Lol Jk. Still, I don't understand it...

And when I google Andrew Ericksen, I get some AFL player.

Anonymous said...

I Get nothing when I google my name. I am a non entity, I do not exist in cyberspace. That is very sad and not good at all for my ego.

But I have now seen U2 so I don't care and nothing else matters.

Love The DOA

Bolton said...

Well if I write Michelle Hesford here instead of DOA... then eventually you will probably appear as the result of a google search... ;-p

Anonymous said...

I like my anonymity. Keep me as the DOA