Admit it, you google yourself.
Unlike blogging, which is a very public and open instant ego gratification, a quick google search of one's own name is a secret delight. It has much the same effect though.
Well this afternoon instead of googling myself, I googled my alter-ego, "Bolton Gray". In doing so, I discovered something remarkable: My blog has a value.
Or it could have.
There is a website called which says my blog is worth somewhere between $550 and $1000 ("B$" to be specific. If anyone can explain what that is I'd be everso grateful).
Apparently my blog is listed because I've linked to Tottyworld - a nicely pervy website innocently providing links to tasteful photos of handsome gentlemen. Anyway, Tottyworld has a very high value and because I've linked to it, my little blog has a value too, based on numbers of visitors, etc.
I can't imagine this blog has any value to anyone except my ego (which now, clearly, I'm refering to as an entity in its own right).
5 weeks ago
BlogShares? Argh! The other OzAndrew is someone on Blogspot! Time to destroy! Lol Jk. Still, I don't understand it...
And when I google Andrew Ericksen, I get some AFL player.
I Get nothing when I google my name. I am a non entity, I do not exist in cyberspace. That is very sad and not good at all for my ego.
But I have now seen U2 so I don't care and nothing else matters.
Love The DOA
Well if I write Michelle Hesford here instead of DOA... then eventually you will probably appear as the result of a google search... ;-p
I like my anonymity. Keep me as the DOA
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