This image was blatantly lifted from a joke email. None of these people are me. Particularly the guy in the painting. I'm definitely not him. Please don't doubt me, Thomas.
Although, the guy in the painting does have a similar figure to me.
Actually, does Jesus (in this picture) remind anyone else of some of those shirtless drug-f*cked gay-boys one often sees dancing at Connections, Pride or Mardi Gras? It's the stance.
Obviously the drug-bunnies aren't nailed to a cross. (I think that's the problem).
5 weeks ago
Man, jesus looks so hot up there on that picture! All shirtless and... like clotheless! Like you could just NAIL him...
Hhaha. I'm awful.
Still, I've never been to mardigras, but it's a really great picture.
i'm pretty sure you've taken blasphemous to a new level.
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