Before you judge a blog by its headline I don't want you thinking I'm in a good mood.
Actually I've been up since four for Nova and I have to go back to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow. I've been left in charge of three newspapers for a week, which everyone knows i hate. I'm tired. I'm broke. My car has exploded and needs expensive TLC and I had an accident and have to find $350 for an excess to boot and my council rates are due. So I'm actually not in a good mood.
Except I am. I am in a good mood for several reasons.
Firstly, the impending weekend brings with it a night of Shakespeare, a night of opera, and a visit by the wonderful Miss Kerry, who is off to Egypt again.
Secondly, in the coming weeks I have the Pride Parade, Tomas Ford Versus The Audience and the Media Ball to look forward to.
Thirdly, I'm ever so slightly fucking in love. It's this New Thom-With-an-H. Can't get him out of my head. Can't stop seeing him. Can't get enough of him. May be becoming slightly obsessed. Bit odd really... didn't really plan to have a boyfriend again: Dad practically forbade it. Oops. Nevermind.
Actually Dad met him briefly before he left. Dad won't remember, he was too busy not making eye contact. :-/ So he hasn't passed the Dad test but on the bright side he's passed the Lindsay Test (as in, not only does she adore him but he can understand her when she's completely mashed, smoking a cigarette and lapsing into quaint Gaelic phrasing in a thick Inverness brogue).
At the moment I am focusing on the second lot of things, so I don't shoot myself because of the first lot of things. I'm sure you'll agree this is a sensible policy for a happier Britain.
5 weeks ago
Speaking of tests: I took one of those MySpace Fun tests which asked "What kind of gay guy are you?".
Apparently I'm the "Committed" type. *Vomits*
How bloody boring is that? (I mean it's good news, really, but just a tad dull, yeah?).
Awwwwww. I tried to stop you but I am glad I didn't. mwah x
New Thom-With-an-H is totally cool, not to mention youthful, energetic and stuff.
I also thought his mother rocked, which is definately a consideration.
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