Reading: Not a lot at the moment. I'm kinda into some websites.
Watching: Can't wait for Torchwood tonight, and the new series of Dr Who.
Listening: Loretta Lynn and Hank Williams albums, freshly purchased. Looking to buy other sounds of my youth as well.
Downloading: Nothing at the moment.
Website du jour: Oh probably one of the hundred or so gay-themed blogs that keep me entertained for hours each day.
Café: Went to Coode Street on Sunday for breakfast. That wasn't too bad.
Pub: Scotto. Always the Scotto. Comedy is coming to the Scotto in August and I'll be right there with my comrades, hoping people will laugh at me.
Club: Haven't been to one for so long, not sure I could find my way into one.
Eating: Il Mondo does me up a special protein-rich sandwich I think my colleagues hate.
Drinking: Dutch chocolate flavoured Sustagen. It's also high in protein.
Wearing: Well to be honest, I'm making the most of the fact that going to the gym for personal training three times a week has given me an arse for the first time in my whole life. So I'm wearing jeans.
Last show: Unidentified Human Remains at WAAPA. I saw willie.
Next show: I actually don't think I have any tickets to anything pending.
Can’t wait ‘til: Wednesday. I should know then that finance has been approved for the woman buying my flat and when settlement should be. After that, I'm free as a bird.
Most recent scoop: Well it ain't great, but I got the hop on everyone else and announced the State Government's new approach to the trail bike problem.
Most recent purchase: A Hank Williams compilation. I'm so happy. This music genuinely makes me happy.
Want but can’t afford: To stop working completely. Until Wednesday, perhaps.
Need but can’t afford: To stop working completely.
Last nice act: Eh, I never said I was nice.
Last bad act: Eh, I never said I was bad, either.
Bad news: Someone I love very much is going into hospital this week.
Good news: A total fuckwit is moving out of home. We think.
Goal: To be buff for summer. And let me just say, I think it might actually happen, at this rate.
Yesterday I: Had lunch with a heap of Thom's friends. When I say "had lunch", I mean we turned up and waited for two-hours and had to leave and lunch was still in the oven. LOL.
Right now I should be: Doing an interview with an FHM model. If only it was a DNA model, I might not be procrastinating.
Later today I’m: Going to the gym, then meeting my potential new father-in-law. Cannot wait. I'm going to give Robbie such a ribbing.
5 weeks ago
What did you think of Torchwood? Countrycide was one of my fave episodes.
Also, the gay themed blogs?
And FHM Model, how dissapointing.
Finally, potential father in law! How did that go
Hey champ. Yeah I'm hoping Torchwood will get better. I get the impression episode one was just all the set-up you have to go through in order to get to the enjoyable episodes later on. So while I didn't like Ep1, I'm going to keep going with it.
Re Gay-themed blogs. Yeah... I read a few. They're great. Your blog is considered a friend's blog though, not a gay-themed blog. I don't think yours is gay-themed. You happen to be gay. lol.
Potential father-in-law is an interesting creature. Terrifying and bullish in a lot of ways. Doesn't like journalists. LOL. Which made for some interesting dinnertable conversation!
Avoid "Small Worlds" at all costs. But, There are some very good episodes in there. Cyberwoman isn't bad, especially if you were wondering what happened after Torchwood. Plus, I actually like the crew. And "They Keep Killing Suzie" stands out, and the finale has greatness moments. They're making series 2 atm. Aren't I such a New Who Geek. lol.
Lol, thanks though, can you link to one of those "Gay themed blogs" because I'd like to see what you think etc.
Oh, and did you totally charm Pot-Fath-ILaw with some Journo schmooze? Hehe
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