The writing goes well enough. I've written a couple of short passages so I'm confident of my characterisation and my style. I think if I do that I panic less when all I have is a few plot points in my head. That stage always has me panicking because I feel I haven't written anything and if I've only written an outline it will never ever actually lead to any writing.
Of course, once you start writing, you realise you need to do more research in order to write anything meaningful. It's a great trap for young players that one.
So yes, I've written a couple of short passages and the plot structure is planned. It's pretty much a love story. With a historical ending. And, at this point, a tragic ending. Gay love in rural Australia in the late 19th Century wasn't a great place to be a homo. Hell, London in the late 19th Century wasn't a great place to be a homo, so why would the sticks have been?
Oh yeah. Obviously I know a lot about rural life in the 1800s, so my story is set there. At the moment it probably has homoerotic overtones which would make it suitable for publication by one of those gay Mills and Boon publishers. But if I made the effort and justified the homoeroticism, this could actually be a mainstream story rather than porn. LOL. At the moment, that could hang on the gender of one character. If I make him a boy, then this book will never appeal to Harper Collins or Allen and Unwin. If I make her a girl, then it will appeal less to the gay lit people.
I'm possibly getting a looooong way ahead of myself worrying about that kind of shit.
Really, it's just nice to be writing. Even if it never becomes more than a few passages and a rather tasty list of plot-points.
If anyone wants to read a bit of it... well I'll need someone to tell me it's shit eventually. It may as well be a friend.
5 weeks ago
Well I can't give constructive crticism to save my life but I'm nosy so anytime you need a reader...
In that case I better write some more so it seems all literary and less.... titilating.
Well, you know, I recently finished a book entitled The Back Passage which was about exactly what it sounds like. At this point the only way is up...
Up the back passage?
Exactly into ho-yay are you?
Do you wanna be my literary agent?
Hehe, yeah I’d be a great test reader. “Yep I like this bit Dan but um, what about instead of talking in the drawing room they’re wrestling in a mud pit…?”
And I bought The Back Passage with the promise that it was ‘like a modern day Agatha Christie with a gay detective’. Sodomy on the Orient Express it was not.
Oops I meant "how about you have them wrestling in the mud pit" Obviously.
Kate, I... may... actually... love... you.......
You're exactly the kind of girlfriend a gay guy should have.
You know, if he wanted to ruin some girl's life.
Yeah I'm the perfect beard. Oh god I hope there's nothing Andy's been trying to tell me all these years...
I'm intrigued. Always up for a bit of literary wankerism and a few glasses of wine.
Oh of course we'd all love to read it! I know I do!
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