I was so exhausted when I blogged the post below. What has me fuming is that I put in a meal allowance claim because I worked for more than 12 hours... and apparently under our EBA I won't get paid it because I didn't work after 8.30pm. Bugger the fact I didn't have a lunch break. That's not enough.
I'm not very impressed, let me say.
So we don't get overtime. We work for shit pay. And NOW you can technically work more than 12hours and get NO kind of compensation at all.
I won't be doing that again and I don't care what the flow-on affects are.
Fuck me with a chainsaw. It has been sorted.
5 weeks ago
I was informed by one of our esteemed sales staff today that they "pay my wages."
I replied that if that was the case they should get off their asses and sell some more ads because based on what I get paid, they're not doing their jobs properly. Wankers.
that's not right! They should be thankful there's someone literate in the office they can ask when they forget how to spell something bloody obvious!
damn straight. AND they seem to forget people read the paper for the news articles, not for the friggin ads...
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